Regarding this website and any information enclosed within it, it is strictly forbidden to disseminate, modify, copy/plagiarize or take action in reliance upon it, unless permitted by the author of this website. None of the materials provided on this website may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the said author.

Regarding the conduct of the certification process the following rules do apply:

  1. the certification process is confidential and, therefore, no details about the product, ingredients or processing method are revealed to the third party on no account. The information mentioned above is for the internal use of the Halal Office only, thus, it will not be spread unless ordered by a judicial branch.
  2. Documents and certificates issued by the Halal Office constitute their property and as such, they can be submitted to cancellation, ordered back or unauthorized by our company without any particular explanation provided.
  3. As mentioned above, the certificate is owned by the Halal Office and, consequently, is meant to be used by the owner and its client. The document or its copy cannot be used by the third party.
  4. Halal Office has the right of withdrawal of the certificate or its cancellation in case of any changes in the production method, ingredients or any arising suspicion about the halal status of the product mentioned in the certificate.
  5. Any changes in ingredients, production method or suppliers must be officially approved by Halal Office. In case of a violation of the mentioned above, the company takes full responsibility and Halal Office has the right to take legal proceedings.
  6. The Halal Office does not take any responsibility for potential mistakes that may occur on the issued certificates or documents due to the fact that it is the client’s duty to provide appropriate information that is to be used for records. Furthermore, the Halal Office assumes that that information provided by the client is factual, even though this info is approved revised by HalalOffice.
  7. Halal Office should not be responsible for any potential loss of information provided by the client.
  8. Halal Office does not take any responsibility for an illegal use of the certificates issued by our company, such as mentioned in point 3.